Unconditional Love

“We all want love.” -Unconditional

Life is about the essence of love; we were put here to love one another, unconditionally.  We all yearn to confide in someone and hope that we are as special to them, so that they will do the same.  Love is beautiful and unconditional love is blind.  Blind to the blame games, pain, shame, and disappointments.  Tasting the drops of blood that run from our heart to our hands from squeezing our lovers heart over and over again.  Squeeze-Anger, influencing us to give up because that is always easier.  Squeeze-Pain, screaming run because the one we love will never change.  Squeeze-Shame, excusing us from not looking at ourselves in the mirrors or at others because of the unjustified things that we have done to hurt ourselves and/or our relationships.  Squeeze-Disappointment, allowing us to yell nasty things about the one we dare to call our better half, forgetting that they are, too, human. We keep squeezing until they are blood free, leaving them heartless and leaving a wounded relationship with a bitter heart.  We want love, though, right?  Unconditional love?

If the one you loved did something undesirable that hurt you today, would you all see each other the next morning?  Could you say that you know that we are human and press forward on how to handle and heal from the situation?  Would you remember the time that you hurt someone and how you wished they would remember that we all make mistakes?  Will you love them, unconditionally?

Sometimes we ask for just a bit more than what we can really handle.  Forgetting that we do want to escape from the slightest pain that we feel.  We could prosecute human nature for this, but this has been a skill taught by one broken heart to another.  Transferring mixed emotions and bitter tendencies to ones that may not even be experiencing half of what we have.  Unraveling a mindset that is virgin to in depth experiences.  The truth is we ask for all that comes with love.  Love itself is unconditional…with and without the adjective in front of it.  When you speak to the source asking for love, you are asking to become selfless, vulnerable, and mature, so that you can have a piece of that infinity that we all want to enjoy.